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LD Resources for Alumni

  • 为学习障碍人士提供的顶级职业资源和网络工具:

    • Job Accommodation Network (JAN) - Provides information and guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues.
      • Website:
      • Also, check out their Searchable Online Accommodation Resource (SOAR) - Offers a database of accommodation solutions for specific disabilities or limitations.
    • 工作场所的神经多样性-我们与创新公司合作 & 组织设计、交付和扩展神经多样性招聘. 为劳动力带来公平
    • National Center on Disability and Journalism (NCDJ) - Offers resources and support for individuals with disabilities interested in journalism and media careers.
    • LD Online - Provides comprehensive information and resources for individuals with learning disabilities, 包括职业指导.
    • Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) - Aims to promote policies and practices that support the employment of individuals with disabilities.
    • 美国学习障碍协会(LDA) -提供资源, advocacy, 在各个领域为有学习障碍的人提供支持.
    • 国家学习障碍中心 - Provides information and resources for individuals with learning disabilities, 包括职业相关的指导.
    • Do-It (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, 和技术)-提供资源, tools, 并支持残疾人追求教育和事业.
    • CareerOneStop - A comprehensive career resource that offers tools and information for job seekers, 包括为残疾人提供的资源.
    • JobAccess - A platform that connects job seekers with disabilities to inclusive employers and provides resources for career development.
    • Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) - A program that assists individuals with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment.
      • Website: Visit your state's Department of Rehabilitation website for contact information.
    • My Next Move -一个帮助用户探索职业的交互式工具, 包括适合残障人士的活动.
    • National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability (NCWD) - Offers resources and guidance for individuals with disabilities to navigate the workforce.
    • 美国残疾人法案(ADA)全国网络-提供信息, training, 以及与《亚洲博彩平台排名》和就业权有关的资源.
    • AbilityJobs - A job board that connects individuals with disabilities to inclusive employers and offers resources for career development.
    • CareerConnect -提供资源, mentorship, 以及视力障碍人士的就业机会信息.
    • Speechify.最好的免费文本到语音语音阅读器. Browse Resources. Read & view product. 同时做更多的事情. 便利设施:听任何文本,最大化你的时间.
    • Disability:IN - A nonprofit organization that promotes disability inclusion in the workplace and offers resources for job seekers with disabilities.
    • Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) - is a recruitment and referral program that connects federal and private-sector employers nationwide with highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities who are eager to demonstrate their abilities in the workplace through summer or permanent jobs.
  • It's important to note that the popularity and effectiveness of apps can change over time. Additionally, the suitability of an app may vary depending on an individual's specific needs and preferences. Nevertheless, here is a list of 20 apps that have been widely recognized for their potential benefits for adults with learning disabilities:

    1. Dragon Dictation: 一款语音识别应用,可以将语音转换为文本.
    2. Evernote: A note-taking and organization app that allows users to capture and manage information.
    3. Pocket: An app that enables users to save articles, web pages, and videos to read or view later.
    4. Wunderlist: 帮助用户创建和管理任务的待办事项列表应用程序.
    5. Co:Writer: 一个单词预测应用程序,旨在帮助书写和拼写.
    6. Voice Dream Reader: 一个文本到语音的应用程序,可以大声朗读数字内容.
    7. Proloquo2Go: 一款针对非语言个体的辅助和替代沟通(AAC)应用程序.
    8. Focus@Will: 一款提供背景音乐的应用程序,旨在提高注意力和效率.
    9. Inspiration Maps: 一个可视化的地图和组织应用程序,帮助头脑风暴和计划.
    10. PocketPhonics: 一款教字母发音、书写和早期阅读技巧的应用程序.
    11. Forest: An app that promotes focus and productivity by encouraging users to stay off their phones.
    12. Time Timer: 一个视觉计时器应用程序,帮助个人有效地管理他们的时间.
    13. MyScript Calculator: 一个用于执行数学计算的手写识别计算器应用程序.
    14. Khan Academy: 一个教育应用程序,提供广泛的视频课程和练习.
    15. Voice4U: A visual communication app that uses pictures and symbols to support language development.
    16. MindMeister: 一个思维导图应用程序,帮助组织想法和概念.
    17. Read&Write: 一款识字支持应用程序,提供阅读、写作和理解工具.
    18. NaturalReader: 一个文本到语音的应用程序,可以读取多种语言的数字文本.
    19. Todoist: 一个任务管理应用程序,帮助用户保持组织和优先事项的活动.
    20. Habitica: 这款应用将提高工作效率和养成习惯变成了一种游戏般的体验.


    Remember, it's crucial to explore and evaluate each app to determine its suitability and effectiveness for the specific needs of an individual with a learning disability.

  • 以下是一些推荐给患有阅读障碍的成年人的资源:

    • 国际阅读障碍协会(IDA): The IDA is a prominent organization dedicated to understanding and supporting individuals with dyslexia. 他们为所有年龄段的人提供信息、资源和宣传. 他们的网站提供一系列的文章, research papers, webinars, 以及专门为成人阅读障碍患者设计的在线课程. Visit their website at:  
    • Learning Ally: Learning Ally is a non-profit organization that offers a vast library of audiobooks and other accessible materials for individuals with reading difficulties, including dyslexia. They provide a subscription-based service that grants access to their extensive collection. In addition to audiobooks, they also offer various resources and support for adults with dyslexia. 浏览他们的网站:
    • Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity: 耶鲁大学阅读障碍研究中心 & Creativity is dedicated to advancing the understanding of dyslexia and exploring the connection between dyslexia and creativity. Their website offers resources and articles that can help adults with dyslexia better understand their strengths and challenges. 它们还提供有关辅助技术和成功战略的信息. Check out their website:
    • 英国阅读障碍协会(BDA): The BDA is a UK-based organization that offers support and resources for individuals with dyslexia. 虽然他们的重点主要是在英国, their website provides useful information and guidance for adults with dyslexia worldwide. 他们提供网络研讨会,出版物,并获得专业的阅读障碍导师. Visit their website at:
    • Dyslexic Advantage: Dyslexic Advantage is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the strengths and talents associated with dyslexia. 他们的网站提供资源, articles, and personal stories that aim to empower individuals with dyslexia to thrive in various domains. They also offer a premium membership that grants access to additional resources and support. 浏览他们的网站:


    Please note that while neurologists and reputable organizations recommend these resources, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a specialist for personalized guidance and support.

    Here are some neurologist-recommended resources for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):

    • 国家ADHD资源中心:
      • Website:
      • 描述:这个综合资源提供了关于多动症的信息, including diagnosis, treatment options, support groups, 以及教育资源.
    • ADDitude:
      • Website:
      • ADDitude是一本提供文章的在线杂志, expert advice, 以及为患有多动症的成年人提供的实用建议. 它涵盖了多动症患者生活的各个方面, including work, relationships, parenting, and self-care.
    • ADHD Aware:
      • Website:
      • Description: ADHD Aware is an organization dedicated to raising awareness and supporting individuals with ADHD. Their Facebook group offers information, resources, and online forums for adults with ADHD.
    • TotallyADD:
      • Website:
      • Description: TotallyADD is a website and video series created by Rick Green, who has ADHD himself. 它提供教育视频, articles, 以及帮助患有多动症的成年人了解和控制症状的资源.
    • 注意缺陷障碍协会(ADDA):
      • Website:
      • Description: ADDA is a non-profit organization that offers support and resources for adults with ADHD. 他们的网站提供信息, webinars, support groups, 以及自助和宣传的资源.
    • Understood:
      • Website: 
      • Description: Understood is a comprehensive website that focuses on learning and attention issues, including ADHD. 它为成年人提供资源, parents, and educators, including articles, expert advice, and practical tools.
    • 加拿大ADHD意识中心:
      • Website:
      • Description: CADDAC is a Canadian organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing support for individuals with ADHD. Their website offers resources, support groups, and information on advocacy and education.


    记住,这些资源可以提供有价值的信息和支持, but consulting with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan is essential.


    • Autism Society: The Autism Society offers support and resources for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. 他们提供向成年过渡的信息, employment, social skills, and independent living.
    • Autism NOW: 自闭症现在是一项国家倡议,重点是促进全面, 为自闭症患者提供终身支持和服务. 他们的网站提供就业方面的资源, housing, postsecondary education, 社区融合.
    • 自闭症自我倡导网络(ASAN): ASAN是一个由自闭症患者运营的组织. They provide resources, support, 以及为自闭症成年人提供支持, 包括自我宣传的信息, employment, and community inclusion.
    • 全国自闭症协会(NAA): NAA为自闭症患者及其家庭提供资源和支持. 他们有一个专门的部分专门为成人自闭症患者, 提供就业资料, relationships, and independent living.
    • 自闭症研究所(ARI): ARI is a renowned organization focused on conducting research and providing resources on autism. 他们提供与自闭症有关的各个方面的信息, including interventions, educational resources, 以及成人支持服务.


    这些资源可以为患有自闭症的成年人提供有价值的信息和支持. Exploring different sources and finding the ones that align with individual needs and preferences is always recommended.

  • 美国学习障碍人士的十大资源:

    1. 国家学习障碍中心
      1. The National Center for Learning Disabilities provides information and resources to individuals with learning disabilities, parents, and educators. 他们为有各种学习障碍的儿童和成人提供支持, including dyslexia, ADHD, 以及执行功能障碍.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    2. 美国学习障碍协会(LDA)
      1. 美国学习障碍协会提供支持, resources, 以及为有学习障碍的人提供支持. 他们提供教育材料, 向专业人士推荐, 并在法律体系中提供帮助.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    1. Understood
      1. Understood is a comprehensive website that offers information and resources for parents and educators of children with learning disabilities. They provide articles, videos, 以及一系列主题的其他资源, 包括读写困难, ADHD, 以及社会情感挑战.
      2. 服务年龄:儿童和青少年
      3. Link:
    2. LD Online
      1. LD Online is a website that offers information and resources for individuals with learning disabilities, parents, and educators. They provide articles, videos, 以及一系列主题的其他资源, including dyslexia, ADHD, 以及执行功能障碍.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    3. 国际阅读障碍协会
      1. 国际阅读障碍协会提供有关阅读障碍的信息和资源, 以及对教育工作者和其他专业人士的培训. 他们为有阅读障碍的个人和他们的家庭提供资源, 包括向专业人士推荐.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    4. 国家心理健康研究所(NIMH)
      1. The National Institute of Mental Health provides information and resources on a range of mental health topics, including ADHD, depression, and anxiety. 他们为有学习障碍的个人及其家庭提供资源, 包括治疗和临床试验的信息.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    5. 特殊儿童委员会(CEC)
      1. The Council for Exceptional Children is an organization that provides resources and support for individuals with disabilities and their families. They offer training and professional development for educators and other professionals who work with individuals with disabilities.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    6. 美国自闭症协会
      1. The 美国自闭症协会 provides information and resources for individuals with autism and their families. 他们提供支持小组、教育材料和宣传服务.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    7. 美国语言听力协会
      1. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association provides resources and support for individuals with communication disorders, 包括言语和语言障碍. They offer 向专业人士推荐 and educational materials for individuals and their families.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link:
    8. 辅助技术行业协会(ATIA)
      1. The Assistive Technology Industry Association provides information and resources on assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. They offer training and professional development for educators and other professionals who work with individuals with disabilities.
      2. Ages served: all ages
      3. Link: 
  • 关于如何按州查找此类资源的一般建议:

    • 州政府网站: Many state government websites provide information and resources for individuals with disabilities. Visit the official website of the relevant state government and search for resources specific to learning disabilities.
    • Nonprofit Organizations: Look for reputable nonprofit organizations that focus on learning disabilities or disabilities in general. They often provide support, information, and resources for individuals with learning disabilities. Examples include the Learning Disabilities Association of America and the National Center for Learning Disabilities. 浏览他们的网站以获取特定于各州的资源.
    • Local Support Groups: Check if there are any local support groups or community organizations dedicated to supporting individuals with learning disabilities in your state. 这些团体通常对当地最好的资源有第一手的了解.
    • 残疾服务机构: 联系你所在州的残疾人服务机构或中心. 他们可以提供有关服务的信息, programs, 以及为有学习障碍的成年人提供的资源.
    • Online Directories: Utilize online directories that aggregate information on disability services and resources. Websites like, the Arc, or may have listings for resources specific to learning disabilities categorized by state.
    • 特殊教育部门: 联系特殊教育部门或当地学区的办公室, colleges, or universities. They might be able to provide information on resources available for adults with learning disabilities in the community.

Being a Landmark College alumni comes with numerous advantages and reasons why it is considered awesome. 以下是五大原因:

  • Specialized Education: Landmark College is renowned for its specialized programs tailored to students with learning differences such as dyslexia, ADHD, 以及自闭症谱系障碍. 作为地标学院的校友, you have received a high-quality education designed to support your unique learning style. This specialized education equips you with the skills and strategies necessary to succeed academically and professionally.
  • Supportive Community: 地标学院培养了强烈的社区意识和对学生的支持. As an alumnus, you remain connected to this network of individuals who understand your challenges and triumphs. 地标学院社区提供了一个宝贵的支持系统, 提供社交机会, mentorship, 与有相似经历的人建立终身友谊.
  • Career Services: Landmark College's dedicated Career Services department assists students in exploring career paths, securing internships, 为就业市场做准备. 作为校友,你可以在毕业后继续使用这些资源. 职业服务团队可以帮助你驾驭你的职业生涯, 联系潜在雇主, 并在你选择的领域不断进步时提供持续的支持.
  • Professional Success: Landmark College的校友都有职业成功的记录. Employers recognize the unique skills and strengths of individuals with learning differences, 比如解决问题的能力, resilience, and creativity. Your Landmark College education and support network position you well for achieving your career goals and standing out in the job market.
  • 终身学习机会: 地标学院鼓励终身学习和个人成长. You can access various continuing education programs, workshops, and seminars as an alumnus. 你可以继续建立在你的里程碑学院教育的基础上, expand your knowledge, 了解你所在领域的最新发展.

成为Landmark College的校友将为您提供独特的教育体验, a supportive community, valuable career services, 有成功的记录, 以及个人和职业发展的持续机会. 这些原因使得成为一名地标学院的校友真的很棒.


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